Sunday 13 November 2011

An extract from my nanowrimo novel!

Finally I have written a substantial amount to write a blog post! My novel( at the moment) is very short and I must confess I don't think I will get to finish it. However it's the taking part that counts! The book is about a girl and boy who survive a deadly virus, known as the Black Virus, and their life when there are only a couple of thousand people alive on Earth.


On the first day they showed footage of the dying. On the second day they started to count the number of deaths. By the fifth day they were estimating how many people were still alive. By the seventh day, our T.V wouldn’t turn on.
The virus came in the summer, people were complaining about the heat. Old ladies sat on park benches and fanned themselves. The schools closed and work became voluntary unless you worked in the government or emergency services. The President flew over to talk with the Prime Minister. There were scientific conferences, peer reviews and then there were the rumours.
Rumours spread across the country faster than the virus itself. First it was the pigs. The pigs had caused the Swine flu, hadn’t they? Then maybe they could have caused this virus too. Next it was the African mosquitos. They had already caused millions to die at the hands of malaria. Could they have caused this? Finally the craziest idea of all, aliens. I knew there was no hope for our world when people started to suggest it was true.  The rumour that aliens had somehow sent a poisonous gas to Earth to kill every human and enslave the stupid animals that lived here.

P.S My exams are finally over, now I have loads of controlled assessments to do!