Saturday 25 February 2012

Life as We Knew It by Susan Pfeffer- Book Review

Hello there! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Here is my latest review for Life as We Knew It published in 2006 by American writer Susan Pfeffer.

Picture this; you’re an average 16 year old girl in Pennsylvania, America. You're behind on your coursework and your mums disappointed because you didn’t get 100% in your maths test. This is the case for Miranda until the Moon is pushed out of its' orbit by a large piece of rock. Suddenly school is cancelled and tsunami's cause most of the land to flood. There no T.V and communication becomes near impossible- and defiantly no BBM!
Miranda , throughout this brilliant book, is pushed to her extremes as she watches her world around her and her family collapse. The relationships in Life as we knew it were realistic and at times tear jerking. Miranda’s emotional struggle was at the forefront of my mind throughout the story- perhaps this was because it was written like a journal- and this made it hard to put down the book. At times I found myself in fearful of what would happen to her and I would often find myself rereading the same page so that I didn’t have to turn over.

This book could be described as a sci-fi, however the bit of science was simple enough for the average reader to understand. So don’t be put off by the sci-fi label. My one and only negative comment about Life as we know it would be that the ending was slightly disappointing, if you have already read it then you will understand when I say this: a dramatic build-up for a simple solution.
I would recommend this book for those aged 12-16. Younger readers may find it hard to relate to the main character as she talks a lot about her school, social and family life.

Overall I enjoyed this book and I hope the sequel, The Dead and Gone, is as good.