Tuesday 15 January 2013

Interview with Sophia Bennett

Hello everyone!

Today I've got a treat for all my readers; an interview with a brilliant YA author. She is one of my favourite authors; I've read all of her books and have written a review of Threads posted here: http://tellingitlikeateen.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/threads-by-sophia-bennett.html

 So without further ado, I’m very pleased to introduce Sophia Bennett *round of applause*.

Olivia: Hello Sophia! Welcome to Telling it Like a Teen. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Sophia: Hi Olivia. I'm a writer of books for teens, and I've so far published four books: the Threads series and The Look. My new book, You Don't Know Me, comes out in May.

Olivia: Why do you write YA books instead of adult fiction?

Sophia: Very good question. I think it's because I most passionately consumed books when I was 12-17. That's when I discovered my favourite authors, and writing styles, and what mattered to me about the world. Writing for that age group is very exciting for me, because you are forming the personalities and opinions that will carry you throughout your lives. You're making a few mistakes and working out how to make the world better. It's a stressful time, but so exciting. But having said all that, I don't write YA deliberately. I just write what I like, and that's how it comes out.

Olivia: What is your favourite book (it can't be one of yours:) and who is your favourite author (it can't be you:)?

Sophia: Quite impossible - there are far too many special ones. But I love PG Wodehouse and Dorothy L Sayers. Recently, my favourite books were The Hunger Games and Wolf Hall. I also loved Millions.

Olivia: Who is your favourite and least favourite character from The Look?

 Sophia: My favourite character to write was Tina di Gaggia - but she has my least favourite moral standards. She really would to anything to get a good picture. My favourite character to be would be Jesse, Ava's boyfriend, probably. He's gorgeous, has a great lifestyle by the sea, and he's kind. Also, of course, I love Ted the way she ends up in the book.

Olivia: If you could be a character would you rather be Ted or Ava and why?

Sophia: Hmm. Very tricky and nobody's ever asked me that before. I guess Ted, by the end. But to start with, definitely Ava.

Olivia: In The Look, Ted becomes a popular model while Ava becomes ill, why did you choose to have this contrast?

Sophia: I thought it would make a much more interesting story than 'girl who is obviously beautiful becomes model and has a great life'. I wanted to explore the contrast between one girl discovering her looks and another battling with them. But they both discover great strength and courage inside, so in some ways their journey is the same.

Olivia: I am frequently frustrated when I read a book and find the last 30 pages are a total disappointment. Therefore I was so pleased, when I read The Look - this was not the case. Can you give our readers any tips on how to write successful endings?

Sophia: Oh, thank you! What did you particularly like about it? I'm very curious to know. I like endings that are slightly unexpected, but that make perfect sense when you read back over the book. I like it when the 'happiness' of the ending isn't down to the girl getting the boy or vice versa, because we all know that can go wrong soon afterwards. I like it when lots and lots of what seem like loose ends are miraculously caught up, but at the same time it doesn't seem too neat. And I like a feeling of a bubble floating high into the sky, when a character gets the happiness or recognition that he or she has earned.

Olivia: If someone gave you the choice, to either continue being a successful writer or break (successfully) into the fashion industry, which would you choose?
Sophia: Blimey! Wow. Well, having tried the writing out, I would say I'd stick with it - because I know the people in the writing world are wonderful and supportive and kind. But I don't hear that so much about the people in the fashion world.

Olivia: Can you see yourself writing a YA novel not centred on fashion?

Sophia:Yup. Just did! Out in May …

Olivia: And lastly, can you give us any hints as to what your next book will be about?

Sophia: Four girls love to sing together. But when they're mysteriously entered into a talent show, and get the chance to do well in it, they make a hideous mistake. Suddenly, it's as if the whole internet hates them for what they did, and their friendship is torn apart. How will they cope?


Thank you very much Sophia!

 Well I hope everyone enjoyed that. I’m very excited about Sophia’s new book – I’ve always wanted to enter a talent contest.

To find out more about Sophia Bennett check out: http://sophiabennett.com/

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