Tuesday 25 September 2012

A little holder...

Hi everyone! How's school going for all my teenage readers? I've been back for nearly three weeks now and everyday I have come back home and fallen straight asleep on the sofa. Year 11 is really taking its toll with an English Speaking CA ( that's controlled assessment for all ye olde folk) , a six hour drama exam, German Speaking CA, Maths retake, Chemistry Exam and oh all the pressure that comes with trying to find a sixth form / college.

However on a positive note, I have recently been made a Prefect - whoop, whoop, cheer, cheer, victory dance!This does mean I had to sacrifice two of my precious five lunchtimes and one break time a week including my librarian duty! I can't even begin to explain the misery that went through me when I was introduced to the prefect lunchtime rota and saw to my horror that Team 10 ( that's my team) were on student services on a Tuesday lunchtime. I literally thought my life was over and it wasn't until I went into the library to quit ( at the time there seemed to be no other option) that my friend, referred to as Stacey, said she would swap lunchtime duty with me!!!!! So as it turns out i now am a librarian on a Thursday and not a Tuesday.

Anyway, the very long-winded point I am trying to make is that because of all these things I haven't had time to write a proper blog post about books. I promise that by the end of the week there will be a new blog post.

For the moment all I can share with you is the news that today I bought 2 brand new books - using a Waterstones gift card I found lurking underneath my passport! They are Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter and , inspired by the excellent T.V series, A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin.

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